Aged Care Physiotherapy in Victoria and Tasmania
Are you a provider of residential aged care ? We can help you.
Our Physio Co. provides a professional, experienced and dedicated team of physiotherapists who are committed to providing the highest quality of physiotherapy services to residential aged care facilities. We provide flexible solutions to meet the needs of the individual facility and its residents. We will partner with you and your care staff to structure our services so that your residents will achieve the best possible outcomes. Best practice standards are at the heart of all we do. Our physiotherapists understand the competing needs which need to be met at the same time and can navigate these needs. We provide a high-quality service to your residents whilst at the same time meeting the demands of funding and accreditation systems.

Residential Aged Care Physiotherapy- Chronic pain management
Assessment : we provide comprehensive assessment including assessment of physical ability, mobility, manual handling and equipment needs, falls risk factors, skin integrity and pressure risk factors, and pain assessment. Our assessment provides important information needed to support determination of care needs as well as ACFI classification. Our assessment will encompass the full 24-hour picture of the residents’ function and ability.
Care planning : we develop individual care plans based on assessed needs. We address maximising functional independence, falls risk management, equipment and manual handling strategies, positioning and pressure care, and pain management options.
Review of care plan : we provide regular reviews of residents and update care plans to reflect care needs.
Post fall reviews : after a fall, we will provide assessment of a resident’s physical function and ability, pain, mobility and equipment needs, and risk factor management. We will collaborate with care staff on falls risk management strategies and provision of equipment.

Residential Aged Care - Chronic pain management
We provide full assessment of residents' pain and collaborate with care staff using available pain charting documentation. Based on this assessment, we discuss findings with the nursing staff and make a recommendation for a chronic pain management service as per schedule 12.4a and 12.4b. We will provide pain management services in line with ACFI guidelines. We supplement these treatments by finding ways to incorporate other interventions to maximise residents’ physical ability and mobility, independence. This ensures we meet the funding requirements whilst providing best possible care to meet the goals of our individual residents.
Additional Services
- Reablement : this is a time-limited program targeting individuals showing functional decline and deconditioning. We provide individual assessments and development of a short-term treatment program to maximise strength, endurance and physical ability and mobility. This can be delivered in a group setting.
- Balance and falls management : this is a time-limited program for residents with balance issues and high risk of falls. We use a combination of reconditioning exercises, activities which challenge balance, and education on falls risk management strategies. This can be delivered in a group setting.
- Dementia specific programme : this program specifically designed for residents with mild to moderate dementia. The program incorporates physical activities in a fun and supportive setting with strategies to maximise engagement and participation. This program is delivered in a group setting.
- Living and ageing well : this is a program for residents with a higher level of physical function aiming to maximise strength, mobility and independence. This program incorporates education on strategies for ageing well. We can also involve community activities which can be run in conjunction with lifestyle staff.
- Respite restorative care : this is a time-limited program restorative physiotherapy treatment program for individuals admitted for respite after a hospital stay or recent injury (e.g. after a joint surgery or fall at home. This can be a service to encourage respite residents to consider your facility with potential to encourage permanent residency.
Our Physio Co. is a leading provider of specialist physiotheraphy
Our team of experienced physios provide services all across Victoria, including Melbourne metro, Melbourne city, Bendigo and Geelong. We also work across all of Tasmania, including Hobart, Somerset, Scottsdale, Burnie, Devonport, Deloraine and Launceston.
If you would like to know more about how we can help you, please contact us and one of our friendly team will be happy to discuss your needs, without obligation.
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